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S2 Portfolio Project 7 - EofArt Form

Discussion(Reflection Questions/Statements)

What were you trying to communicate with your artwork?
I was trying to communicate feelings of spirituality and calmness with the vertical and horizontal lines present in my art.
What message do you want your audience to take away from viewing your work?
The message I want to communicate to my audience is the importance of the all of the different characteristics of art lines, shape, and form.
Discuss how you used form, shape, and line in your artwork 
In my artwork I used form to create the 3 dimensional aspect of the first two squares in my art. I used shape to form the all the squares and triangles created by the vertical lines. I used vertical lines to create a fading effect from left to right in the art and I used horizontal lines  on the top/bottom to enclose everything inside the lines.

S2 Portfolio Project 6 - EofA SHAPE

Discussion(Reflection Questions/Statements)

What emotion are you trying to communicate with your artwork?
The emotion I was trying to communicate with my artwork were feelings of order and structure. All the shapes are similar in size and have distinct patterns as well that keep them organized. 
What message do you want the viewer to take away?
The message that I want the viewer to take away is that simplicity and structure/order in art make up some of the best art.
Discuss how you used shape, and consequently line, in your artwork.
I used geometric shapes in my artwork through the use of shapes such as polygons and circles. I used lines to organize the shapes. The polygons are put in a vertical line formation, the blue circles are horizontal from each other, and the red circles are also vertical from each other.

S2 PP5 – EofA Line p4: Jagged & Graceful Line (TEXTURE)

Discussion(Reflection Questions/Statements)

1. What were you trying to communicate with your use of jagged line(s) in your artwork?
What I was communicating through the use of jagged lines in my artwork was violence of lightning bolts coming down from the sky. 
2. What message do you want your audience to receive from your use of graceful line(s) in this piece of artwork?
The elegance of the natural environment in the art.
3. Give examples of how you used jagged and graceful lines in your artwork to convey pattern, direction and / or structure.
I used jagged lines in the pattern to create the structure for the lightning bolts and I used graceful lines to create the structure/pattern present in the flowers by the trees. 
4. Overall, what you were trying to communicate to your audience?
What I was trying to communicate to my audience was the violence of and choactic energy of the lighting bolts. While at the same time representing the elegance and beauty of nature through the flowers. 

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